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Die Kanzlei

A lawyer does more than explaining the legal situation: his function includes comprehensive advice in legal and economic terms. Our mission is to act professionally, flexibly and in a goal-oriented way.

For us, fast response and great personal commitment are just as important as a high legal standard.

We like the challenge of finding quick, easy and professional solutions for all legal aspects of business life.

We have particularly long-time expertise in the areas of real estate transactions, sale and donation contracts, escrow settlements, inheritance law, corporate law and in restructuring small and medium enterprises as well as the debt of individuals.

Real Estate Law
  • purchase and donation contracts
  • trust settlements
  • real estate acquisitions and sales
  • property development projects
  • land registry law
Landlord and Tenant Law
  • advice on all tenancy matters
  • representation before the courts and mediation centers in tenancy matters
Inheritance Law
  • advice for drafting wills
  • fiduciary custody and registration of wills
  • legacy law
Corporate Law
  • advice for all standard contracts, trusts, setting-up contracts
  • representation in legal proceedings before courts in domestic and foreign assets in Austria
  • setting-up labor law contracts
  • representation in legal proceedings before the civil, labor and commercial courts
  • formation of companies / share purchase and sale
  • ongoing legal support of business

Dr. Francisco Rumpf, LL.M.

1986-1991 – Rechtswissenschaften, Universitäten Wien, Salzburg und Complutense/Madrid

2001-2005 – Doktorratsstudium, Universität Salzburg

2008-2012 – Masterstudium Kanonisches Recht, Universität Wien

1992-1993 – Gerichtsjahr in Wien (Handelsgericht Wien und div. Bezirksgerichte in Wien)

1993-1997 – Rechtsanwaltsanwärter

1997 – Rechtsanwaltsprüfung mit sehr gutem Erfolg

1997 – Kanzleigründung

seit 2006 – Prüfungskommissär für die Rechtsanwaltsprüfung

seit 2011 – e.a. Diözesanrichter am Wiener Erzbischöflichen Metropolitan- und Diözesangericht

seit 2013 – Vortragender Anwaltsakademie

seit 2015 – Universitätslektor an der Sigmund-Freud Privat Universität, Fakultät für Rechtswissenschaften, Masterprogramm



A-1010 Wien, Freyung 6 / Stg 13 / 7
(Eingang auch: Helferstorferstraße 4)
Tel: +43 (1) 533 00 33
Fax: +43 (1) 533 00 33-33

Kanzlei Rumpf

Kanzlei Rumpf

"Nicht Sieg sollte der Sinn der Diskussion sein, sondern Gewinn"

Joseph Joubert